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Final year undergraduate with a passion for architecture on the human scale. Passionate about how design and planning can influence society particularly regarding exercise and healthy lifestyles, which I have explored in dissertation and studio modules.

Nourishing Birmingham – 8 Week Ideas Focused Project

This was a fast-paced project, briefing the design of a tower within a very linear site besides the canal in Digbeth.

My project provides care through the growth of fresh fruit and vegetables through vertical farming to improve local access to healthy and whole food.

Perspective section of my intervention on site (Digbeth, Birmingham)

Dissertation – How can Architecture seek to Tackle Inactivity on Loughborough Campus

My research dissertation aimed to further understand ways in which architecture and design can lead to more active lifestyles, leading me to explore the possibility of interventions to encourage intentional and incidental exercise.

Adopting an ‘Urban Acupuncture’ approach, I critically analysed campus to discover specific areas, before conducting interviews with fellow students, to gauge the best advice for the design of exercise spaces in a university setting.

Compiled figures – Campus ‘Acupuncture’, methodology & concluding infographic
Figure demonstrating design principles on an identified site

Graduation Project – Healing Birmingham through Exercise (ongoing)

Based in the city centre, this project questions the future of our use of cars within cities, turning the existing multi-storey car park site into a mixed use civic space, reclaiming the human scale and quality public space of the city.

Programmatically the spine of the structure forms the car park lowered into the basement, while an athletics track and climbing wall surround it up to a reclaimed high street along the canal, beneath the public plaza landscaped for cycling, walking and stopping. Above, the gym is situated, incorporated with a high ropes trail to encourage adventure back into our bodies.