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Part 2 student with two years of industry experience focused on human-centred design, integrating emerging technologies, and creating impactful projects. Passionate street photographer bringing creativity and detail to architecture, creating meaningful spaces for communities.

“The interface between the two worlds – the railway system and urban backcloth – gives the railway station particular significance as architecture. Many great passenger stations are essential elements in the life and culture of cities. Both London and Paris would be unthinkable as urban experiences of social and economic exchange without the passenger terminals that serve them” The Modern Station (1997)

Residual Traces

The leftovers resonate…to be witnessed, acknowledged and embraced for their inherent significance

A catalyst for placemaking

The scheme proposed to utilise the key ideas of the ‘inbetween’, the ‘bricolage’, and the ‘pulse’ to capture existing experiences within Bucharest. By introducing new points of activity, the proposal aimed to incorporate material reuse and civic aid, amplifying the silent narratives within the urban fabric.

Positive and negative modelling + photogrammetry and scanning technologies to create forms for the station’s landscaping.
Section through proposed underground metro station // leisure facilties – the constant economic, social and cultural pulse that brings the ‘event’ to the masterplan scheme.

Concourse level – A series of tapering entrances and lightwells that bring drama to the physical exchange of tickets and transactions.
M3 Platform – The terminating platform that provides connection to the ground above with its use of retail and market services, as well as a waiting room that ponders beneath the pool above
Visuals from within the station, giving a feel of the Bucuresti transit experience